June 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

May 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

As we approach the half-way point of 2024, I would like to reflect on some of our accomplishments. These are all focused on achieving our established mission to “help nonprofits thrive” … from a business perspective.

February 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

February 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

I am writing this as I fly back from Arizona. I have the honor of being a Trustee of Franklin Pierce University, we have campuses in New Hampshire, Arizona and Texas. This was my first visit to our Arizona campus, where we had a full day trustee meeting on Friday then had the opportunity to attend our White Coat graduation ceremony for our most recent class of Doctor’s of Physical Therapy.

January 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

January 2024 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

As many of you know we acquired the rights to show the Oscar nominated movie UnCharitable. It’s based on Dan Pollatta’s book and produced by acclaimed Hollywood Director Stephen Gyllenhaal.

Last Thursday evening was a cold and rainy, nasty night here in Hartford yet we filled the theatre at Trinity College with TANGO Members, all braving the weather to see the film UnCharitable.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

Happy Holidays! 2023 was quite a year for us here at TANGO. We experienced unprecedented growth in our membership and most importantly a lot of positive feedback from many of you…thank you! This feedback is taken to heart and inspires us to do more to support the sector.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

November 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

As we approach the end of the year we are on track to have experienced the biggest growth of our membership since the early days of our existence. This is exciting because member growth drives innovation and the subsequent resources that we can deliver into supporting the sector. The old adage “ the bigger we get, the more we can do to help the sector” is true!

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

October 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

We’ve finally entered the Fall season; with that comes the beautiful foliage here in New England, the sweet taste of fresh apple cider from the local orchards and families getting together for the upcoming holidays. This is also the season of our Annual Conference which goes by the title “Building Bridges”.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

September 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

Fall is upon us. It is truly is one of my favorite times of year here in New England . With it always comes a significant increase in activity as we move toward the close of another year.
As TANGO Member’s you will see an acceleration in the number of workshops and webinars we are hosting. This includes two of our most popular events; TANGO’s HR Forum, slated to take place on October 5th.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

August 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

I love summer time and hope you had an opportunity to take a break and enjoy some time with family and friends. The older I get the faster time seems to fly by and I find it hard to believe that Fall is upon us.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

July 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

The collaborative platform we have built inspires socially conscious businesses to uniquely support the sector through their professional endeavors…and when executed perfectly, creates a classic win win for both parties.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

April 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

The more things change the more they stay the same…

As many of you know, when I’m not wearing my President of TANGO “hat” I’m busy in my real job as Managing Director of NFP. That so called “hat” gets exchanged many times throughout the day back and forth between the two organizations. As time goes on these roles become more aligned simply because NFP is wholeheartedly committed to supporting TANGO and the nonprofit sector…a great example of a true socially conscious business.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

March 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

So, as a nonprofit, if you like what we’re doing here at TANGO please remember that our Partners make it possible to do what we do. Next time you’re in the market for professional services please look to TANGO’s Partner network. They have all been vetted for their expertise in serving nonprofits, in fact we turn more away than we accept.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

April – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

I love hitting milestones and here at TANGO we are on the cusp of another one. Having our 1500th nonprofit join our community! This collection of nonprofits represents a voice of about 170,000 people who have chosen to work in the sector…pretty impressive if I do say so myself.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

Feb – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

On another note, we at TANGO are constantly striving to bring more resources that “help nonprofits thrive” (our tagline). This issue of TANGO Trends will include a brief survey.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

So Thankful! – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

I don’t know about you, but as soon as Labor Day comes and goes the pace of life accelerates immensely! Hang on everyone, it’s the home stretch for 2020… a challenging and interesting year indeed.

December 2023 – Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

Backside or Backslide? Founders Forum by Rollin Schuster

As we slog our way through the pandemic I wonder if we are now on the backside of this or are we witnessing a backslide into the dark days we had several months ago. We are certainly not out of the woods yet but being the optimist person that I am, I think we’re on the backside.

Membership is complimentary to all Nonprofit organizations thanks to the generosity of our corporate partners.

With over 1,700 nonprofit organizations throughout New England, TANGO has become a powerful community helping nonprofit organizations reach their mission.

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